
Green Leaf Air

by Rifat A. in Blog 1 comment

If you want to keep yourself comfortable during those hot and humid days in Dallas, you can follow the below AC improvements and enjoy the summer.


5 AC Improvements to Increase Comfort & Performance

1.   Install a High SEER Rated AC

You can reduce your home’s electricity cost up to 40% by installing a high SEER-rated air conditioning system. Besides, with a high SEER rated cooling system, you can increase your comfort.

According to the US Department of Energy, after 2023, all the cooling systems must have a SEER rating of 15. That’s why the majority of today’s cooling systems have SEER ratings above 15. When you buy such a high SEER rated air conditioning unit, you can enjoy all the advanced features and enhance your comfort.

If you want to take your comfort and energy efficiency to the next level, you can invest in a VRF system. As the VRF system operates less frequently than the traditional cooling systems, it consumes less electricity. Besides, it can capture the heat and reuse it where it’s needed. As a result, you can save money on heating bills in winter.

Check our previous blog: All You Need to Know about VRF Systems, to learn more about the VRF system.

2.   Programmable Thermostat

With a programmable thermostat, you can schedule temperature daily or weekly. Besides, it offers a security feature, which prevents unauthorized persons from changing your home’s temperature. Moreover, unlike traditional thermostats, it has an advanced display that improves the AC controlling experience.

Again, you can add a smart thermostat to your cooling system. It enables you to control the AC even when you’re not at home. Moreover, some smart thermostats can adjust the temperature automatically when a person arrives at the house.

If you aren’t sure which thermostat to buy, check this Manual, Smart or Programmable Thermostat: Which One is Better? 

3.   Ductwork Replacement

When the air ducts of your cooling system are small in size or have leaks in them, your system’s overall efficiency will get reduced. And this will lead to affecting your family’s comfort.

If you’re using an older cooling system, chances are its air ducts have leaks. In this case, you’ll have to repair or replace the air ducts first and then jump into other AC improvements.

However, while replacing the air ducts of your cooling system, you’ll have to ensure that the air ducts aren’t too tight. Otherwise, the airflow of your cooling system will be hindered, which will reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner.

For high-quality air duct replacement or repair service, call 972-992-5006 or Contact Us through our website.

4.   Buy a Right-Sized AC for Sound Sleep

There is no alternative to the right-sized AC system when you’re planning to get the maximum comfort and save money at the same time. When you buy an undersized cooling system, it’ll have to operate longer to cool your home. Besides, in some cases, you won’t get your desired cooling.

Again, when you buy an oversized cooling system, it’ll have frequent cycling problems. As a result, your cooling unit will become noisier and hamper your sleep. Moreover, when your AC has a recurring cycling problem, it’ll start to consume more electricity. That’s why if you want to have the maximum cooling and energy efficiency, you should buy a right-sized cooling system. And for this, you can contact your nearby cooling professionals.

Fact: According to the EPA, if you invest one dollar for an energy-efficient heating and cooling system, you’ll get up to three times return on your purchase.

5.   Add a Humidifier

Humidity is a big problem in Dallas. When you have excess humidity in your home, your home will become uncomfortable and warmer. Besides, excess humidity increases mold growth, which will drastically reduce your home environment. Again, in winter, when the humidity gets lower, it can make your skin dry and damage your wooden furniture.

However, this humidity issue can be solved by adding a humidifier to your air conditioning unit. Check our previous blog about Humidification in Air Conditioning & Can You Use a Humidifier with AC?



For any sort of air conditioner replacement or repair, you can contact our experienced cooling professionals. We provide 24/7 HVAC solutions in Dallas and its surrounding areas.


See the summary of this article here in this infographic – 5 AC Improvements to Increase Comfort & HVAC Performance…

5 AC Improvements to Increase HVAC Comfort
5 AC Improvements to Increase HVAC Comfort
Rifat A.

HVAC Expert, Author & Mathematician... rifatahmed.com

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