
Green Leaf Air

Goodman 10 kW (9.6 kW) 34100 BTUh Electric Heat Kit HKSC10XC $197.00 available in stock


Goodman 10 kW (9.6 kW) 34100 BTUh Electric Heat Kit HKSC10XC brings its own advantages to the Goodman Heat Pump system line.

Square Installments

Goodman 10 kW (9.6 kW) 34100 BTUh Electric Heat Kit HKSC10XC brings its own advantages to the Goodman Heat Pump system line. Among other things, it helps the air handler and the heat pump system to work more efficiently.

Details of Goodman 10 kW (9.6 kW) 34100 BTUh Electric Heat Kit HKSC10XC

1.       9.6 kW ≈ 10 kW

2.       Single phase

3.       60 Hz frequency

4.       208 – 240 Voltage

Features of Goodman 10 kW (9.6 kW) 34100 BTUh Electric Heat Kit HKSC10XC

  1. The heat kit is equipped with multiple-branch circuit capability
  2. It has sequencers for better temperature control
  3. The heat kit unit is completely assembled and then tested for reliability
  4. The heat kit has factory-installed circuit breakers
  5. The control circuitry arranged to readily permit staging
  6. It packs fuse link secondary high temp. limit control
  7. The heat kit has a plug-in wiring harness so that it can be easily installed into the Goodman Air Handler
  8. The Nickel-Chromium heat elements make this heat kit rust-resistant and protect from decay

Specifications of Goodman 10 kW (9.6 kW) 34100 BTUh Electric Heat Kit HKSC10XC

Heat Kit Specifications

Product Line HKS
Electric Heat Capacity 9.6 kilowatt ≈ 10 kilowatt

Heat Kit Electrical Data

Voltage 208/240 V
Phase 1
Frequency 60 Hz

Heat Kit Dimensions

Heat Kit Height 16.0625 Inches
Heat Kit Width 8.75 Inches
Heat Kit Length 12.917 Inches

Electric Heater Weight

Heat Kit Weight 9 Pounds
Heat Kit Shipping Weight 14 Pounds


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