
Green Leaf Air

by Rifat A. in Blog 0 comment

R22 or Freon was used before in the air conditioners as refrigerants. But the DOE and the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency will be banning the use of Freon or R22 in the air conditioner. The reason behind banning Freon is that it harms the environment and increase greenhouse. Also, the Montreal Protocol Treaty suggested banning Freon as the refrigerant. After December 2019, the production and import of R22 will be called illegal in the US. But this phase-out plan is going to cause the business problem economically. So, here are the potential consequences you may face because of Freon’s phase-out.


Top 4 Consequences You May Face because of Freon Phase-Out

1.    Increase in Repair Cost

When the Freon will be completely banned in December 2019, the reclaimed refrigerant will be the only available source. In 2018, the price of Freon or R22 had risen more than 50%. This will continue in the upcoming years as well. Those air conditioners will use Freon/ R22, will have to pay a lot for the repair. So, it will not be a good idea to use Freon as the refrigerant still. Also, it is recommended that you don’t buy any old air conditioner for your business.

2.    Face Problems because of Refrigerant Leaks

If your air conditioner is old, chances are your air conditioner may have refrigerant leaks. If the refrigerants get mixed in the environment, you have to pay fines for it. The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency is strict about this. So, you should check for leaks in your air conditioner, and if you find one, you should repair it as soon as possible. As a good citizen, you don’t want to harm the environment and also pay fines for it. Your little cautiousness may prevent the environment from getting polluted and save your money.

3.    Your Profits may Go Down

When you have to undergo a lot of repairs, your business will be out of the air conditioning system for days and sometimes even weeks. This will harm your business. Firstly, without an air conditioner, your customers will move away from your store, mainly if your business is located in a high humidity area. Also, your employees may feel uncomfortable. As a result, the overall productivity of your business will go down and your profit too. So, when you’re facing such a problem, you should replace or buy a new air conditioner for your business because you definitely don’t want your customers to go away from your company.

4.    Counterfeit Refrigerant Alert

As the deadline of R22 or Freon refrigerant is knocking at the door, the supply of the coolant will get lower than ever. As a result, many people and companies will try to sell fake refrigerants to users. The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency has already reported that there are counterfeit refrigerants are getting sold in the market and gave warnings. If your air conditioner needs repair, do not buy any of these fake refrigerants. By buying counterfeit refrigerant will cause harm to your employees and customers. So, when you need repair, only buy from the trusted HVAC professionals. Also, make sure that your HVAC service professional is a certified technician. A certified technician needs to pass an exam and needs to be EPA 608 certified. So, while contacting with the HVAC professional, make sure the technician has completed this certification. Also, look whether the HVAC technician is using the EPA approved equipment or not.


See the summary in this infographic – 4 Consequences You May Face because of Freon Phase-Out [Infographic]

4 Consequences You May Face because of Freon Phase-Out
4 Consequences You May Face because of Freon Phase-Out

So, if you don’t want to spend your money on expensive air conditioner repair, you need to take action now. If your air conditioner is more than 8 years or more, consider changing the system with the new air conditioner. Also, you should consider the Freon replacement option.


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Besides, for any AC installation, AC replacement and AC repair services, call Green Leaf Air to ensure you get the best quotes and satisfying service.

Rifat A.

HVAC Expert, Author & Mathematician... rifatahmed.com

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