Green Leaf Air

Trane RunTru 60000 BTU 80% Single Stage 1/3 HP Gas Furnace A801X026AM2SA $2,700.00 $2,700.00 available in stock


Trane RunTru A801X Series 60000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow/Horizontal Single Stage 1/3 HP Gas Furnace A801X026AM2SA is a durable, and efficient gas furnace from Trane.

Product Number: A801X026AM2SA Category: Tags: , , , , , , , GTIN: A801X026AM2SA

Square Installments
The Trane RunTru A801X Series 60000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow/Horizontal Single Stage 1/3 HP Gas Furnace A801X026AM2SA is a durable, and efficient gas furnace from Trane. It has an 80% AFUE making it a great choice for efficient heating in your home. Additionally, the Single Stage gas furnace is compatible with propane and natural gas, giving you an opportunity to choose one that is convenient for you.

In terms of durability, Trane has used corrosion-resistant galvanized steel for the construction of the cabinet. This adds to the longevity and ease of service of the A801X. Moreover, due to the flexible design, it is easy to install in your home. Overall, an excellent 80% AFUE Upflow/Horizontal Single Stage Gas Furnace.

Features of Trane RunTru A801X 60000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow/Horizontal Single Stage 1/3 HP Gas Furnace A801X026AM2SA

  1. Up to 80% AFUE, which makes it a very efficient gas furnace.
  2. Highly optimized heat exchangers which benefit both efficiency and durability.
  3. Your fuel of choice is flexible – use either propane or natural gas.
  4. The cabinet is made of corrosion-resistant galvanized steel to resist corrosion and further improve the durability.
  5. Easy installation due to flexible design.

Specifications of Trane RunTru A801X 60000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow/Horizontal Single Stage 1/3 HP Gas Furnace A801X026AM2SA

Gas Furnace General Specifications

Capacity 60000 BTU
AFUE 80%
Gas Valve Stages Single Stage
Horsepower 1/3 HP
Ampacity 9 A
Max. Overcurrent Protection 15 A

Gas Furnace Dimensions

Furnace Height 41.75 In
Furnace Width 16.5 In
Furnace Depth 30.5 In
Pipe Connection Size 1/2 In

Gas Furnace Weight

Furnace Weight 118 lbs.
Shipping Weight 127 lbs.

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