Green Leaf Air

Trane 80000 BTUh 80% AFUE S8X1 Single-Stage Gas Furnace S8X1B080M4PSC $5,516.00 $5,516.00 available in stock


Trane’s S8X1 series 80000 BTUh 80% AFUE Single-Stage Upflow/Horizontal Gas Furnace S8X1B080M4PSC is an efficient heating unit for your home.

Product Number: S8X1B080M4PSC Category: Tags: , , , , , , GTIN: S8X1B080M4PSC

Square Installments

Trane’s S8X1 series 80000 BTUh 80% AFUE Single-Stage Upflow/Horizontal Gas Furnace S8X1B080M4PSC is an efficient heating unit for your home. Like other gas furnaces from Trane’s S8X1 series, this 80% 80000 BTUh unit is equipped with gas valves to ensure long heating cycles and consistent indoor heating comfort.

Its durable and cycle-tested Aluminized Steel Heat Exchanger offers optimum heat exchange. Overall, this 80% 4 Ton gas furnace is a nice package for home heating comfort.


Features of Trane S8X1 80% AFUE 80000 BTUh 4 Ton Single-Stage Gas Furnace S8X1B080M4PSC

  1. Silicon Nitride Hot Surface Igniter that provides a reliable ignition system to extend
  2. Tubular Heat Exchanger for efficient heat exchange
  3. Nine tap blower motor for improved performance
  4. Heavy Steel Insulated Cabinet for durability
  5. Multi-Port In-Shot Burners Shape up the flame cone properly to ensure less fuel consumption
  6. Self-diagnostic microelectronic controller for reliable operation
  7. Pre-painted galvanized steel cabinet for protection against corrosion
  8. Insulated cabinet for quiet operation


Specifications of Trane S8x1 Series 4 Ton Single Stage 80000 BTUh 80% AFUE Upflow/Horizontal Gas Furnace S8X1B080M4PSC

Gas Furnace Specifications
Brand Trane
Series S8X1 Series
Model S8X1B080M4PSC
Heating Output Capacity 80000 BTUh
AFUE 80%
Stages Single Stage
Dimension 34” x 17.5” x 28.75”


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