Green Leaf Air

Trane 5 Ton 60000 BTU Single Stage Communicating Air Handler TAM9A0C60V51DA $6,700.00 $6,700.00 available in stock


Trane  60000 BTU Single Stage Convertible communicating air handler TAM9A0C60V51DA unit can be and efficient indoor air handling unit for your home and office or commercial spaces. This 5 Ton Variable Speed Motor of this air handler is only offering quiet operation but also capable of helping you get rid of cold & hot spots in your home.

Product Number: TAM9A0C60V51DA Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , GTIN: TAM9A0C60V51DA

Square Installments
Trane HyperionTM 5 Ton 60000 BTU Single Stage Convertible communicating air handler TAM9A0C60V51DA unit can be and efficient indoor air handling unit for your home and office or commercial spaces. This 5 Ton Variable Speed Motor of this air handler is only offering quiet operation but also capable of helping you get rid of cold & hot spots in your home. The efficient ECM motor is equipped with Trane’s Comfort-RTM technology and this prevents any excessive humidity from the indoor air from home. Besides, for optimum efficiency and reliability, the electronic refrigerant flow valve of this unit can constantly regulate its refrigerant flow.

For this 5 Ton 60000 BTU Single Stage communicating air handling unit comes with the epoxy coated coils from Trane. This one of a kind epoxy coating of the coil is a unique attribute in the HVAC industry because it is capable of removing any unwanted Residue and the bad odor. Its fully enclosed insulation of the Single Stage 5 Ton unit also ensures the freshest, cleaning and healthiest air indoors. Lastly, the compact modular design includes an efficient VorticaTM blower which can fit in small spaces in your home, like the attic. To contribute to the environment, Trane ensured it emits the least amount of carbon, making it a safe & healthy indoor air handling unit.

 TRANE 60000 BTU Single Stage Communicating Air Handler TAM9A0C60V51DA

  1. Its unique cabinet design ensures proper insulation and durability thanks to the double-wall construction.
  2. The integrated “no leak” drain pan with this unit prevents the possibility of water collection on the unit thanks to its downward slope and rust resistant composition.
  3. The modular design of this unit enhances the flexibility and allows you to store it in compact spaces like attics, crawl spaces, garages. That means you won’t need to make any costly modifications to your home for the installation of this 5 Ton air handling unit.
  4. For ease of access, the unit comes with a dedicated control board pocket.
  5. The air handler unit itself is resistant to corrosion, scratch and damages caused by minor external forces.
  6. The body car blower also ensures its carbon emission is reduced. Thus, making it an environment-friendly indoor air handling unit.
  7. The fully enclosed insulation of this unit prevents air to pass through the cabinet, making the whole system more efficient.
  8. Trane’s Comfort-RTM technology efficiently regulates the humidity for greater indoor comfort.
  9. To ensure Energy Efficiency, Trane equipped this air Handler with VorticaTM blower which prevents excessive noise.
  10. The variable speed motor starts gradually which elements the noise and ensures silent operation throughout the day.
  11. Its variable Speed Motor is also efficient in eliminating cold and hot spots.
  12. For maximum reliability and efficiency, this convertible air handler has electronic refrigerant flow valve that regulates refrigerant flow. Also, it provides protection to the overall mechanism.
  13. Since the unit is fully insulated, sweating and condensation is virtually eliminated.
  14. Trane used epoxy coated coil which prevents unwanted Residue or odor in the coil.
  15. To make the air Handler more durable and efficient, Trane used all Aluminium coil instead of traditional copper coils. It also ensures refrigerant leaks are prevented.
  16. The interior of the cabinet is very easy to clean.

TRANE 60000 BTU Single Stage Communicating Air Handler TAM9A0C60V51DA

Air Handler General Specifications

Capacity 60000 BTU
Tonnage 5 Ton
Stages Single Stage

Air Handler Dimensions

Tube Size 3/8 Inches
Air Handler Height (Uncrated) 61.7 Inches
Air Handler Width (Uncrated) 23.5 Inches
Air Handler Depth (uncrated) 21.8 Inches
Gas Line Size 7/8 Inches
Liquid Line Size 3/8 Inches

Air Handler Weight

Uncrated Weight 163 Pounds
Shipping Weight 175 Pounds

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