Green Leaf Air

Trane 2.5 Ton 2-Stage Variable Speed Convertible & Multi 1/2 HP Air Handler TEM8A0B30V31DB $5,698.00 $5,698.00 available in stock


Trane 2.5 Ton 2-Stage Variable Speed Convertible & Multi 1/2 HP Air Handler TEM8A0B30V31DB has all-aluminum coil & Comfort-R technology…

Square Installments

Trane 2.5 Ton 2-Stage Variable Speed Convertible & Multi 1/2 HP Air Handler TEM8A0B30V31DB

Features of Trane 2.5 Ton Two Stage Air Handler

  1. 4-way convertible line ensuring flexibility
  2. Durable all-aluminum coil
  3. Silent operation
  4. Vortica™ blower motor ensures energy efficiency & low carbon emission
  5. Comfort-R technology to increase efficiency
  6. ComfortLink™ II or 24V Connections to increase overall efficiency & easy control
  7. Less than 2% air leak
  8. No-rust polymer drain pan & galvanized cabinet to protect the unit
  9. SEET™ tested (Systems Extreme Environmental Test) for performance guarantee

Specifications of Trane TEM8A0B30V31DB

Brand Trane
Nominal Tons 2.5 Ton
Stages 2 Stage
Refrigerant Control TXV
Model Number TEM8A0B30V31DB
Series/Collection TEM8 (M Series)
BTU 30000 BTU
Indoor Fan Type Centrifugal
Motor Speed Variable
Indoor Coil Plate Fin
Power Source Electric
Horsepower 1/2 HP
Tube Size 3/8 Inch
Refrigerant R-410a
F.L. Amp 3.9 A
Uncrated Height 51.375 Inch
Uncrated Width 23.5 Inch
Unrated Depth 21.125 Inch
Drain Connection 3/4 NPT
Connection Size (Gas) 7/8 Inch
Connection Size (Liquid) 3/8 Inch
Net Weight 144 lbs.

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