Green Leaf Air

Goodman 60000 BTU Two Stage Gas Furnace – GMVC80604BN $1,505.00 $1,505.00 available in stock


The gas furnace of the 3-ton 16 SEER system needs to be able to handle all of the heating needs of your home efficiently. Therefore, due to the many features offered by the GMVC8, it proves itself the best choice.

Product Number: GMVC80604BN Categories: , Tags: , GTIN: GMVC80604BN

Square Installments
The gas furnace of the 3-ton 16 SEER system needs to be able to handle all of the heating needs of your home efficiently. Therefore, due to the many features offered by the GMVC8, it proves itself the best choice. Some of the most notable features include:

  1. Self-Diagnostic Control Board: A smart board within the gas furnace monitors the internals and ensures efficient operation. Moreover, it allows technicians to quickly troubleshoot and figure out points of failure.
  2. Heavy-Duty Aluminized-Steel Tubular Heat Exchanger: In order to produce an efficient and smartly designed heat exchanger for their gas furnace, Goodman has opted for an aluminized-steel tubular construction with wrinkle bend technology.
  3. Durable Silicon Nitride Igniter: Acting as the replacement of a traditional pilot light, the igniter is constructed to meet the goals of high-durability and advanced efficiency
  4. Two-Stage Gas Valve: As opposed to a single-stage gas valve, the two-stage valve attempts to reduce the energy requirements of the gas furnace during moderate demands to deliver more comfort at a higher efficiency.
  5. Insulated Furnace Cabinet: In order to keep the heat within the gas furnace, GoodMan has deployed an insulated furnace cabinet with an air leakage rate of less than 2%. Additionally, the cabinet features insulation, which greatly suppresses the noise produced by the gas furnace during peak operation.
  6. Corrosion-Resistant Vent Variable-Speed Blower: Provides the gas furnace with the foundation for quiet operation, and efficient start-up and shutdown cycles.

Specifications: –

General Information

Type Gas Furnace
Fuel Type Natural Gas
Vent Type  Direct Vent
Modulating/Staging Two Stage
Blower motor ECM Variable-speed
Configuration Upflow/Horizontal
Gas Conversion Kit Available
UPC 663051572591


Heating BTU 60000
High Fire Input 60000 BTU
Low Fire Input 42000 BTU
High Fire Output 48000 BTU
Low Fire Output 33600 BTU
AFUE 80%
Minimum Air flow 1600 CFM
Low NOx Emissions No

Electrical Data


Voltage 115 Volts
Phase 1
Frequency 60 Hz
Minimum Circuit Ampacity 10.6 Amps
Recommended Breaker Size 15 Amps



Flue Connection Size 4″
Cabinet Width 17 1/2″
Product Height 33 1/2”
Product Width 17 1/2”
Product Depth 28”
Shipping weight 107 lbs


Country Of Origin United States
ETL Listed Yes
AHRI Certified Yes
ISO Certified Yes
AHRI 202327712

Warranty Information

Unit Replacement Warranty 10 Years
Parts Warranty 10 Years
Heat Exchanger Warranty Lifetime


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