Green Leaf Air

Goodman 4 Ton 48000 BTU ARUF Multi-Speed AC Air Handler ARUF49D14 w/ SmartFrame $1,263.00 $1,263.00 available in stock


The Goodman 4 Ton 48000 BTU ARUF Multi-Speed AC Air Handler ARUF49D14 w/ SmartFrame is the best air handler in the market. With ARUF49D14, you can increase the overall comfort of your house.

Product Number: ARUF49D14 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , GTIN: ARUF49D14

Square Installments

The Goodman 4 Ton 48000 BTU ARUF Multi-Speed AC Air Handler ARUF49D14 w/ SmartFrame is the best air handler in the market. With ARUF49D14, you can increase the overall comfort of your house. Again, it has smart features that lower the operation cost and allows you to save money. Besides, it follows the 2001 Florida Building Code and very much durable compared to other air handlers.

Features of Goodman 4 Ton 48000 BTU ARUF Multi-Speed Air Conditioner Air Handler ARUF49D14 with SmartFrame Cabinet

  1. It has an all-aluminum evaporator coil, which is designed to maximize the evaporator coil’s surface area. Because of this design, heat transfer becomes efficient and enhances overall comfort.
  2. Air Handler ARUF49D14 has an excellent dehumidification system that removes the moisture from the air quickly and allows you to stay cool at a higher temperature.
  3. SmartFrame Sub-structure enhances the accessibility of the air handler and allows you to install the system easily.
  4. It is properly insulated and has less than 2% air leakage. Also, its unique design makes the air handler noise-free.
  5. State-of-the-art design including screw less construction and molded diverts that prevents the air handler from condensation
  6. It has multi-speed blower motor and direct drive features that offer better temperature control and lower the operation cost.

Specifications of Goodman 4 Ton 48000 BTU ARUF Multi-Speed Air Conditioner Air Handler w/ SmartFrame Cabinet ARUF49D14

Air Handler Specifications

Product Line ARUF
Refrigerant R-410a
Motor Type PSC
Blower Motor Multi-Speed
Configuration Multi-Position
Install Area Indoor
Capacity 4 Ton
Cooling 48000 BTU
Airflow (Max) 1900 CFM
Airflow (Min) 1410 CFM

Air Handler Electrical Data

Voltage 208/230 V
Phase 1
Frequency 60 Hz
Minimum Circuity Ampacity 4 Amps
Recommended Breaker Size 15 Amps

Air Handler Dimensions

Suction Conn. Size 7/8 Inches
Liquid Conn. Size 3/8 Inches
Air Handler Height 53.4375 Inches
Air Handler Width 24.5 Inches
Air Handler Depth 21 Inches

Air Handler Weight

Air Handler Weight 145 Pounds
Shipping Weight 160 Pounds


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