Green Leaf Air

Goodman 3 Ton 36000 BTU CAPF Upflow/Downflow Air Conditioner Evaporator Cased Coil CAPF3636A6 $933.00 $933.00 available in stock


Many complete HVAC systems use the Goodman 3 Ton 36000 BTU CAPF Upflow/Downflow Air Conditioner Evaporator Cased Coil CAPF3636A6 to complete the array of efficient HVAC modules designed to regulate indoor weather at peak efficiency.

Product Number: CAPF3636A6 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , GTIN: CAPF3636A6

Square Installments
Many complete HVAC systems use the Goodman 3 Ton 36000 BTU CAPF Upflow/Downflow Air Conditioner Evaporator Cased Coil CAPF3636A6 to complete the array of efficient HVAC modules designed to regulate indoor weather at peak efficiency. The 36000 BTU CAPF uses tubing, durable fins, and endplates all made from aluminum to deliver outstanding performance throughout the year.

Features of Goodman 3 Ton 36000 BTU CAPF Upflow/Downflow Air Conditioner Evaporator Cased Coil CAPF3636A6

  1. Aluminum Tube and Aluminum Fin Coil Construction for reliable heat transfer and corrosion resistance.
  2. Grooved Aluminum tubing to increase the surface area of heat transfer.
  3. Several Pressure-Leak Tests are done during assembly to ensure that there are no leaks. These tests are often carried out in two stages.
  4. To ensure perfect operation, Goodman puts the CAPF Evaporator Cased Coil through a ‘Hound-Dog’ Vacuum Test.

Specifications of Goodman 3 Ton 36000 BTU CAPF Upflow/Downflow Air Conditioner Evaporator Cased Coil CAPF3636A6

Cased Coil Specifications

Tonnage 2 – 3 Ton
Capacity 36000 BTU
Coil Type Evaporator Cased Coil
Configuration Upflow & Downflow
Refrigerant Type R-410A

Cased Coil Dimensions

Suction Connection 3/4 Inch (es)
Liquid Connection 3/8 Inch (es)
Coil Height 22 Inch (es)
Coil Width 14 Inch (es)
Coil Depth 21 Inch (es)

Cased Coil Weight

Coil Weight 40 Pound (s)
Coil Shipping Weight 50 Pound (s)


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