Green Leaf Air

Goodman 3 Ton 16 SEER Air Conditioner Condenser Model: GSX160361 $2,346.00 $2,346.00 available in stock


Just like other HVAC companies, Goodman realizes the importance of a well-designed Air Conditioner unit for a commercial space or household. And that’s why these Condensers comes with some awesome features.

These are some of the most important features –

  1. Energy-efficient compressor
  2. Factory-installed filter drier
  3. Fully charged for 15’ of tubing length
  4. Copper tube/aluminum fin coil
  5. Service valves with sweat connections
  6. and easy-to-access gauge ports
  7. Contactor with lug connection
  8. Ground lug connection
Product Number: GSX160361 Category: GTIN: GSX16S361

Square Installments
Just like other HVAC companies, Goodman realizes the importance of a well-designed Air Conditioner unit for a commercial space or household. And that’s why these Condensers comes with some awesome features.

These are some of the most important features –

  1. Energy-efficient compressor
  2. Factory-installed filter drier
  3. Fully charged for 15’ of tubing length
  4. Copper tube/aluminum fin coil
  5. Service valves with sweat connections
  6. and easy-to-access gauge ports
  7. Contactor with lug connection
  8. Ground lug connection
  9. AHRI Certified
  10. ETL Listed


The Cabinet Features –

  1. Heavy-gauge galvanized-steel cabinet
  2. with a louvered sound control top
  3. Attractive Architectural Gray powder-paint
  4. finish with 500-hour salt-spray approval
  5. Wire fan discharge grille
  6. Steel louver coil guard
  7. Single-panel access to controls with space
  8. provided for field-installed accessories
  9. When properly anchored, meets the 2010 Florida Building Code

Air Conditioner Condenser Specifications: –

General Information

Type Condenser
Operating mode Cooling
Refrigerant Type R-410A
Compressor Stages Single
Installation location Outdoor

Condenser Performance

Cooling 34800 BTU
Capacity 3 Tons
Maximum sound level 73.5 dB

Condenser Dimensions


Liquid Connection Size 3/8 Inches
Suction Connection Size 7/8 Inches
Product Depth 29 Inches
Product Height 38 1/4 Inches
Product Width 29 Inches
Shipping weight 225 Pounds

Electrical Data


Voltage 208/230
Frequency 60 Hz
Phase 1


Country of Origin U.S.
ISO Certified Yes
AHRI Certified Yes
ETL Listed Yes

Warranty Information

Parts Warranty Limited* 10 Years
Compressor Warranty Lifetime


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