Green Leaf Air

Goodman 2.5 Ton 16 SEER 30000 BTU Heat Pump GSZ160301 $2,048.00 $2,048.00 available in stock


The Goodman 2.5 Ton 16 SEER GSZ16 30000 BTU Heat Pump GSZ160301 is the perfect heat pump for your home. Goodman has built many handy features into the GSZ16 heat pump to ensure it meets all your demands.

Product Number: GSZ160301 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , GTIN: GSZ160301

Square Installments
The Goodman 2.5 Ton 16 SEER GSZ16 30000 BTU Heat Pump GSZ160301 is the perfect heat pump for your home. Goodman has built many handy features into the GSZ16 heat pump to ensure it meets all your demands. First off, you have the quiet condenser fan motor, which allows for quiet operation using a single-speed motor with a special three-blade design. With this, you get excellent airflow across the condenser coil while maintaining low noise levels. In addition to this, Goodman has used an acoustically engineered sound control top to help reduce operational noise levels. Adding to the high-tech solutions embedded in the heat pump, the GSZ16 comes with SmartShift® Defrost Technology which enables it to quickly and smoothly transition into the defrost mode during operation. Finally, to help keep your air ducts clean and the air circulating in your home fresh, a factory-installed bi-flow liquid line filter drier is set in place. All of these features come together to bring you the best heat pump for your home’s HVAC system.

Features of Goodman 2.5 Ton 16 SEER GSZ16 30000 BTU Heat Pump GSZ160301

  1. Quiet condenser fan motor which ensures quiet and consistent airflow over the condensing coil.
  2. The heat pump has an efficient cooling capacity with advanced copper tubing and aluminum fin condenser coils that are compatible with the R-410A chlorine-free refrigerant.
  3. SmartShift® Defrost Technology which allows the heat pump to smoothly transition into the defrost mode.
  4. Quiet operation with an acoustically engineered sound control top, without the use of advanced sound control enhancements.
  5. Factory-installed bi-flow liquid line filter drier to keep your air ducts moisture and dirt free.
  6. Factory-Installed Heater Band and Suction Line Accumulator to ensure efficient operation and distribution of the refrigerant even when there are extreme external temperatures.
  7. Heavy-Gauge, Galvanized Steel Enclosure Cabinet which protects the inner coil and the rest of the heat pump from external elements and damage.

Specifications of Goodman 2.5 Ton 16 SEER GSZ16 30000 BTU Heat Pump GSZ160301

Heat Pump Specifications

Product Line GSZ16
Refrigerant R-410a
Operation Heating and Cooling
Installation Area Outdoor
Stages Single
Capacity 2.5 Ton
Cooling BTU 30000
Cooling Capacity 30000 BTU
SEER Rating 16

Heat Pump Electrical Data

Voltage 208/230 Volts
Phase 1
Frequency 60 Hz
Minimum Circuity Ampacity 18 Amp
Breaker Circuit Size (Recommended) 30 Amp

Heat Pump Dimensions

Suction Conn. Size 3/4 Inch
Liquid Conn. Size 3/8 Inch
Heat Pump Height 36.625 Inch
Heat Pump Width 35.5 Inch
Heat Pump Depth 35.5 Inch

Heat Pump Weight

Product Weight 186 Pounds
Shipping Weight 206 Pounds


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