Green Leaf Air

Goodman 120000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow Single Stage Gas Furnace GMES801205DN $1,235.00 $1,235.00 available in stock


To keep your family warm through the winter without racking up your electric bills, look no further than the Goodman GMES80 120000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow Single Stage Gas Furnace Heater GMES801205DN.

Product Number: GMES801205DN Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , GTIN: GMES801205DN

Square Installments
To keep your family warm through the winter without racking up your electric bills, look no further than the Goodman GMES80 120000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow Single Stage Gas Furnace Heater GMES801205DN. This gas furnace performs as the perfect all-rounder as it brings durability, efficiency, and reliability to the table. Equipped with a self-diagnostic control board, the gas furnace monitors its performance and informs about any inconsistencies or inefficiencies thereby reducing the troubleshooting time during HVAC maintenance. Additionally, with the aluminized steel tubular heat exchanger in the GMES80, heating in your home will be more efficient than ever before.

Features of Goodman GMES80 120000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow Single Stage Gas Furnace Heater GMES801205DN

  1. Modern heavy-duty heat exchanger designed to be extremely efficient.
  2. Multi-speed ECM motors to support variable speeds to satisfy needs under different loads without consuming extra energy.
  3. Self-diagnostic control board to monitor the system and enable quick troubleshooting.
  4. Durable and reliable build quality.

Specifications of Goodman GMES80 120000 BTU 80% AFUE Upflow Single Stage Gas Furnace Heater GMES801205DN

Gas Furnace General Specifications

Product Line GMES80
Capacity 120000 BTU
High Fire Input 120000 BTU
High Fire Output 96000 BTU
AFUE 80%
Max Airflow 2000 CFM
Fuel Gas
Stages Single Stage
Configuration Upflow/Horizontal
Blower Motor ECM (Multi Speed)
Voltage 115 V
Phase 1
Frequency 60 Hz
Minimum Circuity Ampacity 15.3 Amp
Recommended Breaker Size 20 Amp

Gas Furnace Dimensions

F. Connection Size 4 Inch (es)
Furnace Height 33.5 Inch (es)
Furnace Width 24.5 Inch (es)
Furnace Depth 28 Inch (es)

Gas Furnace Weight

Furnace Weight 132 Pound (s)
Shipping Weight 132 Pound (s)


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