Green Leaf Air

3 Ton Trane XR 17 SEER 2 Stage Condenser Install $7,140.00 $7,140.00 available in stock


The 3 Ton Trane XR 17 SEER 2 Stage Condenser central air conditioning unit comes with the reliability you’ve come to expect from Trane and the energy efficiency you deserve.

Product Number: N/A Category: GTIN: N/A

Efficient performance

BTUH 36,000

Two-Stage cooling
Two stages of cooling (and heating, if applicable) meet any outdoor climate conditions and prevent interior temperature swings.

Durable and economical
Trane’s central air conditioners come with increased efficiency that may substantially lower your home cooling costs. Materials for all components are tested again and again for long-lasting performance and durability.

Cleaner, healthier indoor air
For a more comfortable home, add Trane Clean Effects to your central air conditioning unit for advanced air filtration that removes more dust, pollen and other irritants from conditioned air.

Every Trane central air unit is packed with high-quality components. Each helps ensure that time after time, your unit will provide total comfort your family can rely on. The XR17 includes:

Two-Stage Climatuff compressor
Spine Fin outdoor coil
Upgraded fan motor
Full-Side louvered panels protect your investment
Corrosion-resistant Weatherguard fasteners
Unique DuraTuff non-corrosive base pan
Quick-Sess cabinet with full coil protection
Sound insulator on the compressor (select models)

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