Green Leaf Air

2 Ton Trane XR 17 SEER 2 Stage Condenser Install $6,638.00 $6,638.00 available in stock


The two Ton Trane XR 17 SEER two Phase Condenser 4TTR7024A1000B central ac unit includes all the reliability you have come to expect out of Trane and also the energy efficiency you have earned.

The Trane XV80 Two Period V/S 24000 BTUH Gas Heating Furnace TUD2B060A9V3VB works at 80 percent efficiency. Comfortable, even heating Variable-speed fan engine adjusts speed to give a constant stream of warm, comfy atmosphere.

Product Number: N/A Category: GTIN: N/A

The two Ton Trane XR 17 SEER two Phase Condenser 4TTR7024A1000B central ac unit includes all the reliability you have come to expect out of Trane and also the energy efficiency you have earned.

The Trane XV80 Two Period V/S 24000 BTUH Gas Heating Furnace TUD2B060A9V3VB works at 80 percent efficiency. Comfortable, even heating Variable-speed fan engine adjusts speed to give a constant stream of warm, comfy atmosphere.

The Trane two Ton Cased Coil 4TXCB003DS3HCA is especially designed to operate in marriage with your Trane outdoor condensing unit and furnace. They are closely matched in size, efficiency and capability to guarantee optimum comfort and efficacy. Trane’s new improved fin design was designed to offer superior humidity control together with all the efficiency and reliability you expect.

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