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Trane Electric Heater with Breaker | Trane Electric Heat Kit with Breaker | Trane Electric Heat Strip with Breaker

With the Trane 15 kW 50000-55000 BTU Single Phase Electric Heat Kit MAYHTR1A15BKRB, operational efficiency is a guarantee along with compatibility with the rest of the units in your HVAC system.


Trane 20 kW 49200 – 65600 BTU Electric Heat Strip BAYEABC20BK1BA with breaker is a worthy companion for the Trane’s TAM9 series and other Air Handling unit for split home heating and cooling systems.


A powerful heat kit is needed in any HVAC system to ensure that the heating in your system is always efficient and safe, and this is where the Trane 20 kW 65000–70000 BTU Single Phase Electric Heat Kit MAYHTR1A20BKRB comes


Trane 5 kW Electric Heat Strip BAYEAAC05BK1BA with breaker is a reliable companion for your Trane’s Air Handlers that goes with the split home HVAC systems.
